Our most frequently asksed questions

If you have any further question visit our contact page and reach out.
Can I order less than the minimum?

Our minimum orders are very low!
The minimum order for stock caps is 24 pieces.
The minimum order for custom caps is 24 pieces.

Can I split my order between styles?

Yes, if the minimums are met for each silhouette.

Can I receive a better price if I order a larger quantity?

We offer great team pricing for all caps. Pricing does not change, regardless of quantity.

How long does it take to get my caps?

Due to ongoing global supply chain disruptions, we continue to advise customers to place their orders early. Current lead times are 4-6 weeks for stock hats and 6-8 weeks for custom hats.

Can I get caps in a Youth Size?

Yes, please see size chart.

Can I order blank hats?

New era does not allow blank orders and requires a front logo.

Can my order be expedited or rushed?

We are not able to expedite or rush any custom order. Please contact us to find out the current turn times as they change throughout the seasons.